It's the best time of the year again to celebrate Independence Day. For gun guys, we've gathered some of the Best 4th of July gun deals for 2023.
Thank to all LE, military service members, 1st responders and other public service professionals.
Up to 55+ hot deals! Everything from firearm parts, optics, ammo, and other outdoor gear from many of our favorite online stores.
Coupon Codes [Ends July 5th]:
OlightStore 5% OFF - BADASSOPTIC5
Primary Arms Sale (Code automatically added)
Palmetto State Armory (Code presented on site)
Brownells $45 OFF - 45off300
OpticsPlanet Discount (10% OFF) - SAVRD12
Optics Deals
OpticsPlanet has the best optics selections and deals overall.
Swampfox Liberty (SAVRD12)
Sig Romeo 5 (SAVRD12)
Vortex SPARC Red Dot Sight (SAVRD12)
Check out more here
Firearm Rifle Parts
Palmetto State Armory and Primary Arms have more deals avaialble
Aero Precision M4E1 Stripped Upper Receiver
Aero Precision M4E1 Stripped Upper Receiver [No Forward Assist]
Aero Precision Carbine Buffer Kit
PSA 16" Mid-Length 5.56 NATO Complete Upper
PSA 10.5" 5.56 NATO Upper (No BCG)
Geissele Super Dynamic SD-E Trigger
Pistol Upgrade Deals
Firearm Accessory Deals
Weapon Light Deals
Olight Javelot Tac (Use CODE: BADASSOPTIC5)
Check out more here