We have complied a list of 6 best rifle Light options based on lumen intensity, candela throw performance, control, available accessories, battery life, durability and value for money.
In addition, this guide goes over how to pick a good light and specs buyer should learn about.
Rifle Light Buyer's Guide
Top 6 Rifle Light Options
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Beam Pattern Selection
More Throw = More Candela
More throw means the beam can lit up the environment further to positively identify targets & control threats at a safer fighting distance. It's great for outdoor night time use
A stronger throw means stronger candela output so the light beam can also punch through fog, ambient light and overpower other incoming light sources to clearly lit up an area of interest further away.
Currently, 60 - 80K candela output lights are very popular like the Cloud Defensive REIN and Surefire Turbo
Balanced Throw / Spill
A balanced throw and spill is recommended for any CQB environment. The light beam can lit up the user's 9 to 3 o click positions without any problem in the dark for search and positive ID.
Any of the recommended rifle lights listed will be great for indoor use.
Low Candela VS High Candela
When dealing with tactical situations, a stronger candela light can overpower the incoming light source for better positive ID. Higher lumen intensity isn't enough to get the job done.
Low Candela Output
Strong Candela Output
Mounting Options
Most rifle light on the market today are manufactured to work with the popular Surefire scout footprint mount.
There are so many different configurations including offset mount to choose from to mount on M1913 handguard, M LOK and KeyMod.
Activation Switches
There are so many activation pressure switches made for the Surefire Scout tail cap. Everything ranging from momentary switches to dual switches that work with lasers.
It's like putting together a LEGO set, there are so many ways to configure what works for you.