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  • Post last modified:August 18, 2023

In this article, I have compiled various resources, drawing from my own shooting experience as well as insights shared by others in the community. The aim is to explore six compelling reasons for using EOTech risers. We will delve into the origin of risers, their ability to alleviate physical strain on the neck, practical applications in low-light conditions, and how they can significantly enhance your overall shooting experience.

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Brief History of Optic Riser

Optic risers have been around for quite some time, with their roots tracing back to early machine gun mounts for optics in trench warfare.

m16 with optic mount

Throughout history, risers have been employed in various forms, from the Germans in World War II to the M16's primitive red dots on the carrying handle mount in the 1960s.

Optic risers have continued to evolve, and recently, we have seen a surge in their popularity due to their numerous benefits.

optic risers

Referenced Scalarworks

Companies like Scalarworks and Unity Tactical are two reputable companies making these optic riser much more modern. They make optic mount height as tall as 1.93" to 2.26". Much taller than 1/3rd co-witness height.

For EOTech EXPS3 users, the Unity Tactical EOTech riser is the best option so far.

6 Reasons To Use EOTech Risers

Improves Biomechanical Comfort

eotech risers

One primary advantage of using risers is their ability to provide a neutral spine position, offering a more comfortable passive aiming with two eyes open.

This is especially useful if you're caught off guard and need to quickly aim at a target.

When optics are mounted lower, it requires the shooter to bend their neck and head awkwardly, leading to strain on the neck, shoulders, biceps, and lower back. 

This discomfort is exacerbated when wearing additional gear like plate carriers, helmets, and backpacks.

For shooters who do a lot of weight training, MMA or Jiu Jitsu, their necks are constantly experiencing soreness and strain, so using an optic riser like the 1.93" Scalarworks LEAP mount on a standard flat top receiver rifle fit the shooter better, allowing for a more natural and comfortable shooting stance.

However, firearms like KRISS Vector, AK, HK 416, SIG MCX with offset cheekweld position to the top rail doesn't really need additional optic riser.

Better Aim Under Night Vision 

ir laser riser

Night vision is becoming increasingly important on the modern battlefield, with many first-world militaries equipping their soldiers with at least single or dual tube night vision.

Shooting through night vision can be challenging with lower optics, but raised optics make the task significantly easier. With a riser, shooting with night vision becomes so efficient that there is no appreciable difference in time between shooting with and without night vision.

This advantage is critical in threat environments where both sides possess night vision capabilities.

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Improves Situational Awareness

ir laser riser

Risers also play a significant role in improving situational awareness. Lower optics tend to cause shooters to "turtle" over their guns, leading to a decreased field of vision and a loss of peripheral vision.

By using a riser, shooters can maintain a more natural head position and keep their peripheral vision intact.

This increased situational awareness can be the difference between life and death in combat and contributes to speed and accuracy in shooting competitions.

Learn more about aiming with both eyes open

Relives Neck Strain

ar 15 optic riser

Riser mounts can also be beneficial for those with injuries or cross-eye dominance.

By raising the optic, individuals with back, neck, or shoulder injuries can maintain a more natural and comfortable position for longer periods.

Additionally, risers make it easier for those with cross-eye dominance to switch between dominant eyes, simplifying the shooting process and improving overall performance.

Consistent Cheekweld Placement

ar 15 optic riser

Riser mounts ensure consistent weapon placement regardless of the type of clothing or gear you're wearing. Whether it's a t-shirt, a bulky jacket, or a chest rig, risers allow for consistent head and weapon placement.

This consistency leads to increased efficiency, speed, and accuracy, as each movement becomes more repeatable and applicable to a broader range of situations and shooting positions.


Absolute VS Lower Third Co-Witness

Absolute co-witness refers to when your backup iron sights align directly with the center of your red dot.

On the other hand, lower third co-witness, which is about a half-inch higher than absolute co-witness, allows your head to be slightly higher, making it easier to move and shoot.

Does Tall Optic Mount Affect Point Of Impact?

Tall optic mount definitely affects point of impact at close range. The shooter must test their firearms to find the mechanical offset and adapt to it.

To adapt to potential optic failures, lack of iron sight co-witness or optic obstructions, some shooters may opt for quick-release mounts or 45-degree offset red dot sight.

Regardless of the optic height you choose, training with your chosen setup is crucial. If you don't train with it, you won't be able to use it effectively when it matters most. So, experiment with different heights and find the one that works best for you.