Bindon aiming concept is the idea you can shoot with two eyes open with a telescopic sight.
This is very beneficial to aiming at close range target with a magnified scope.
Long range scope is a great way to increase effective range and accuracy. Magnified optics paired with a good zero and a reticle help the shooter with that.
However, the biggest challenge for shooters whether in hunting or tactical shooting is the reduced field of view when looking through the scope or red dot sight with one eye closed, which shooting with 2 eyes open is a game changer.
What Is Bindon Aiming Concept
Bindon aiming concept allows the shooter to aim with two eyes open using a magnified optic. The BAC was developed by Glyn Bindon, the founder of Trijicon.
When the shooter properly aims, it allows them to incorporate their non-shooting eye to provide the wide field of view that their shooting –eye lacks while aiming through the magnified optic.
Scope Tube Effect Cuts Off Situational Awareness
This is a common problem with magnified optics for not allowing fast target acquisition because the observable field of view is greatly reduced. The “Tube effect” as we called it in the firearm communities plays a big role in vision impairment by cutting off a large amount of peripheral vision of the shooter.
As the magnification level increases, the less surrounding area you’re able to see. The shooter can’t easily aim and scan for targets downrange effectively. This is why fighting rifles for close quarter don’t use magnified optics.
Human vision is based on binocular or two eye vision of an image. Traditional rifle scope only presents a monocular view, so the human brain only recognizes only one image with one eye looking through the optic. As we discussed in the introduction, using one eye looking through the optic cuts off a large amount of peripheral vision and shooter can’t acquire targets down range easily especially for moving targets.
How Your Brain Processes What You See Through The Scope With Two Eyes Open
The BAC allows two eyes open to acquiring the targets downrange. Instead of using the nonilluminated reticle, which is hard to see in low light environment and ineffective. The BAC use illuminated reticle that is easy to see in any condition, also with both eye open, the aiming eye will see the reticle inside the optic, while the other eye on the target, thus two separate images.
One eye is focusing on the target, and one eye is seeing the reticle through the scope. Your brain combines them, and your brain automatically selects the magnified image. The bright illuminated reticle will assist your aiming eye to lock onto the target even if its a moving target. In other word, the Bindon aiming concept combines the effectiveness of the dot system with the accuracy of a magnified scope.
Who Benefit The Most From BAC
If you’re new to this, in a layman’s term, It helps your situational awareness. Some people shoot extremely well with it, and some people struggle with it. I want to guide you and find what works for you.
- Hunters
- Long range shooters
- Shooting long range with moving targets
- Close Quarter Shooting
- People with bad eye sights
- People who simply don’t need magnified optics
Related Questions
I Keep Seeing Two Sight Pictures Overlapping With Both Eyes Open. What Should I Do?
This is completely normal, thus why we want two eyes open. You must train your brain to focus on only one sight picture with your dominant eye. Your dominant eye is what your brain pays attention to the most.
Is Normal For My Eyes To Take Time Adjusting To The Superimposed Images
Yes, it’s perfectly normal, that’s why you need to train your brain. Only through training, you can finally do it effortlessly. The definition of fast target acquisition doesn't mean instantaneous.
Do I Need 20/20 Vision To Shoot With Both Eyes Open?
Correct your first and wear glasses. If you have poor vision, it not only prevents you from seeing the reticle clearly on a 1x power red dot sight or a magnified sight but also difficult for you to see clearly when two images are combined.
Is BAC Faster Than 1X Power Fixed Red Dot Sight?
No, There is a delay when your eyes are adjusting to the magnified view if you don’t train your brain to get comfortable shooting with two eyes open. For a fighting rifle in a close quarter environment, I would highly recommend a 1X fixed power red dot sight. There is no need to have a magnified view of a target 5-25 yards from you that’s big enough for you to engage period.
BAC is practical for long range shooting, where you get the situational awareness scanning for targets, and get a zoomed image on the target.
What Distance Is Bindon Aiming Concept Actually Practical?
Based on many people’s experience including mine. I would say anything inside the 200 yards range. Anything further than that it’s not as effective as closing one eye and tapers off after that. If you’re a hunter going through an urban environment where there are a lot of trees branches or woods, the BAC method will give you the most unimpeded view possible. It helps to track the fast-moving target.
Should I Use Fixed Magnified Optic For Home Defense?
First, having a fixed magnified optic indoor prevents you from performing home defense task effectively. Fixed 1X power red dot sights and laser sights give you far more speed and effectiveness for close quarter engagement.
Recently there is an upward trend on using Low Power Variable Optics (LPVO) on fighting rifles that are usually in the magnification range between 1X-6X. I highly recommend you to check out this article to see if this might be something you're interested in.
The 1X power on an LPVo feels just like a red dot with great eye relief and FOV, and you can immediately switch it to the higher power setting for long range.
What CQB Distance Should I Just Point And Shoot?
If you’re in a home defense situation where your target is 5 yards away, then just point and shoot, and you will more than likely to hit combat effective zone at that distance.
You probably won’t even remember to aim down the sight, and you will just start to shoot lead down the hallway at the bad guys. If anything like this happens, do not waste your time look through the sight, just shoot deliberately and use the intrinsic aim point of your fingers.
Bindon Aiming Concept is the idea of having a bright reticle that superimposes itself on the target that makes both eyes open work. You can use any illuminated optics out there and benefit from it.
It's an interesting method for optimizing the performance of the human eyes for the current rifle optics technologies we have today.
For shooters who want maximized situational awareness and fast target acquisition at long distances, this is the aiming method you need to adapt to in order to be more effective in hunting and other long-range tactical shooting.
BAC is a simple concept, but it requires a lot of training to get good at it. Make sure you have good eyesight to do this and training is a must.
For short range engagement, the BAC is not practical since a 1X fixed power red dot is way faster without your eyes ever need to adjust, simply just quick point and shoot.