In this quick review guide, let's check out the MidTen 9mm laser boresight. This little thing helped me save so much time and bullets when trying to zero an new optic or swapping them among different guns.
Here is our honest review:
Initial Impression
You can get the MidTen 9mm laser boresight off Amazon for just under $18.
The laser chambers in 9mm without any lip for the extractor to grab. So you need a long stick to push the laser boresight out from the muzzle after done using.
Sometimes it comes out easily and sometimes not.
It comes in a simple packaging, nothing fancy.
You get:
- 3 batteries
- laser boresight
Most Helpful Usage & Selling Point
It Saves Time & Ammo Money!
Quickly get a ball park zero before zeroing with live rounds, a laser bore sighting system can simplify and speed up the whole process for you:
- Prepare a ball park zero at home before the range
- Goodbye to initial shot groups not on paper! SAVES AMMO Especially during ammo shortage
- Skip right to training instead of zeroing for 1/3 of your range session
- Establishes good constant offset reference point for a weapon laser
- Great for red dot sights, prism sights and weapon light lasers
What It's NOT For
It's not for long range zero or accounts for bullet drop.
How To Zero With The MidTen Laser Boresight
1. Safety check your gun and find a aiming reference at 10 - 25 yards away at a range or at home.
2. Simply insert the laser boresight in the chamber like a bullet and dial the optic reticle or weapon mounted laser to the laser boresight point of aim for a good ball park zero
3. Always confirm zero with live rounds (Learn to calculate exact MOA clicks to zero a sight)
Get some zeroing targets here or draw your own
(In theory, a laser bore sight gives very accurate prediction on where a bullet will hit at close range distances, but always remember to confirming the zero with live ammo)
Chamber Tolerance
Not all laser boresight have the tightest tolerance when sitting in the barrel chamber to have a perfectly straight laser coming out of the barrel.
This means the laser pointer could veer off the center just so slightly even if it doesn't hit inside of a 20" long barrel.
Accuracy Testing
We swapped bunch of optics around and attempted to laser bore zero the sights and confirm the zero with live rounds under 1 min for each gun, and it was so easy.
A Completely Zeroed Sight
In LESS than 1 minute,~3 dial clicks and JUST 2-4 rounds,
No walking down range 6+ times, No dial knob confusion, No wasted ammo zeroing a way-off optic
Zeroing A Weapon Laser
We tested our Glock 17 with threaded KKM precision barrel and FN 509 LS Edge. Both with match grade long barrel and shooting regular 115 gr 9mm ball Federal ammo.
We zeroed the Olight BALDR with just a few dials and we were on target just like that.
For weapon mounted lasers, it's very easy for us to establish an constant offset between the weapon laser and the boresight laser right away, and we fine tuned the weapon laser with live ammo between 7 - 15 yards.
Zeroing Optics
People swap optics back and forth between their guns all the time, and it's just a cool thing to do, but they lose the zero when taking it off from one gun to another.
We tested both red dots and prism sights on handguns and pistol caliber carbines. We just dial the reticle to overlap with the laser boresight, so point of aim is point of impact.
We confirm the zero with live rounds at at 15 - 25 yards with regular 115 gr ammo. Different ammo have different results at a wide range of shooting distance.
Note: The optic must first be properly mounted on the handgun slide or on a long gun to prevent zeroing error due to a loose fit or poor mount.
Zeroing Offset Optics
Zeroing an angled offset red dot sight on a long gun is so much easier with a laser boresight to align the reticle to an good ball park spot before live fire.
Since an offset red dot sight doesn't always have the best bore alignment depend on the rifle and the mount. The shooter must zero the optic in its upright position then establish an offset for CQB distances.
Very Often, shooters could waste a ton of ammo zeroing just because the sight is way off, and yet they haven't seen any impact on the paper. This is costly especially for 308 and other expensive rounds.
The laser bore sight helps you get a close enough zero (0.5"-1" group) right away so you don't end up burning bunch ammo that are going to be 5 - 12" off anyway, if you have no clue where the reticle is relative to the bore.
Final Verdict
- Saves shooters so much time and money just to zero a sight
- Get a quick ball park zero even for sights that are way off the center
- Zero your reticle or weapon laser to CQB distance ASAP
- Battery removal required after use to save battery juice
- No extractor lip