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  • Post last modified:May 4, 2023

In this Viridian C5L review guide, let's check out its specs, pics and how to stacks up against other sub compact pistol lights on the market today.

For only 100 lumens with a green laser. Is this a better laser sight or a tac light?

Let's check it out

Max Output100 Lumens
Runtime 4+ hrs constant
7+ hrs strobing
60 mins laser & light
Weight w/Batteries1.66 oz
 1 CR 2 3V battery
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B003UHZHEO&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=c5lrev 20&language=en USir?t=c5lrev 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B003UHZHEO

Also available in red laser & light only

What's Included In The Packaging

viridian c5l box
viridian c5l unboxing

The Viridian C5L comes in a nice transparent clear plastic pacakging that includes:

  • C5L
  • 1 CR2 battery
  • 2 Removable Rail Mount Keys
  • Viridian sticker
  • Manual
  • Catalog
  • Hex key

What Is This Light Best Used For

viridian c5l light

See more pistol weapon lights for Glock 19 here

The Viridian' C5L is a laser capability first system than a power sub compact light.

The C5L is great for subcompact pistols for home defense and conceal carry. Some may argue that C5L's 100 lumens intensity falls way behind whats available on the market today, but we want to show you why this 100 lumens light may still be very practical in the next section:

First, let's check out its lumen and candela capabilities with some pictures for our demonstrations.

Viridian C5L Core Features

Size & Weight

The C5L with battery weighs total 1.27 oz. It's so light and the weight is almost neglectable.

The light aluminum body design feels very tactical and edgy when mounted on pretty much every pistol on the market.

And the rear cutout wraps around the trigger guard for a very compact fit. 

viridian c5l on springfield hellcat

viridian c5l on hellcat top view

Modes Of Operation

  • Single click - ECR Constant on
  • Press & Hold Both Buttons - Light Strobe / Laser Only / Light Only / Laser & Light / Laser & Light Strobe)

C5L features the ambi circular button switches that has positive click feedback even when wearing gloves.

The user can activate the light with index finger or thumb via 2 handed grip.

Lumen & Candela

The C5L's radiance combat optics can only output up to 100 lumens & 2000 candela on 1 fully charged CR2 batteries.

We can't compare C5L against Surefire X300U or TLR 7 Sub on beam intensity or hot spot

For long distance positive target ID past 20 yards and beyond, the C5L's white light is basically useless.

However, the C5L is definitely a more powerful laser sight than a light. 

viridian c5l strobe mode and green laser

Does this mean this light suck?

Few Positive Things Are:

  • The C5L's light beam is a 100% flood beam that is very easy on shooters' eye especially in low light close up environment
  • The light gives the user a easier time transitioning from total darkness to an illuminated scene without the blinding light
  • Acquire the laser dot better without the a hot spot covering the dot.

The spill is as wide as 8 feet at about 10 yards to see pretty much everything in the environment.

It's not super bright but you can positively ID things up close. Almost like you're holding a 5 lumen handheld flashlight.

If you really want a sub compact pistol light that can help you ID things at a longer distance with a tighter throw anything past that we highly recommend the Streamlight TLR 7 Sub

Strobe Mode

Most Viridian lights features aggressive fast flashing strobe mode. So far there aren't many lights out there that features that performance.

The strobe light adds the fear factor in a defensive situation for maximum deterrence and the ability to blind the threat at a close distance.

Sometime, a feature like this can help you get out of a situation without going lethal (Only if the situation de-escalates)

The strobe mode cranks up the lumen intensity to 140 lumens and it works for light only mode, laser only mode or light & laser mode.

Laser Pointer & Beam Color Tint

The Viridian C5L has a slight blue tint. Since it's not too distracting for a CQB flood light, I didn't find it to be a big problem.

See the difference below:

green laser viridian c5l

The laser is very sharp in all lighting conditions, indoor or out. It has an offset to the bore as usual for most laser sights on the market. So a constant offset zero is required. 

The best zeroing distance is 25 yards with your favorite ammo type. The laser performance is very solid, and the user can adjust the elevation and windage just like any other products out there.

My best experience is shooting this thing and see the bright green laser beam down range through the smoke, and all I can say is it's pretty bad ass and most people can agree!


viridian CR2 battery
viridian c5l battery access
viridian c5l battery access open coin

The battery can be accessed from the front. The aluminum cap is water sealed and it can be opened with a quarter or a flat head screw driver.

Make sure to fully tighten the cap to have full battery electrical contact.

Rail Mount Adapter

The C5L comes with 3 sets of removable rail adapter for sub compact pistols and full size pistols. 

This is where the user can mix and match the one that fits their pistol frame with tons of flexibility. 1 of 3 adapters offers 2 mounting holes for aligning with the frame's rail slot.

Simply just slide the adapter along the side of the light and tighten it with the retention screw

viridian c5l on glock 19
viridian c5l on glock 19 rail

Conceal Carry Use

glock 19 with viridian c5l light

The C5L works with Viridian's auto light activation holster upon draw, so the user doesn't have to operate the button at all to reduce work load under stress.

However, it only works with Viridian's TACLOC outside the wasitband holster.

The body is very contoured without anything sticking out to create annoying snag hazard. So the user can pull the gun in and out of the holster very smoothly and fast especially if the muzzle sits flush with the LED lens.

Final Verdict

Overall, the C5L works well on subcompact pistols for close up low light use.

The 100 lumens doesn't have the throw performance as other more powerful lights such as the TLR7 or Olight BALDR.

Overall, the C5L with Green laser is a much more useful laser sight than a powerful light. The laser and the flood beam works well together so the shooter can see the surrounding in low light, and the hot spot doesn't cover up the laser dot.


  • Super bright green laser
  • 100 lumens flood light doesn't blind the laser dot in the center
  • Strobe mode included
  • Various rail adapters included
  • Rock solid construction
  • Great aesthetics on holster draw on sub compact pistols (fits flush with muzzle)


  • Not enough throw for long distance target ID
  • Can't outpower strong photonic barries (ambient lights, street lights, lamp light)
  • Various model part number can be confusing (must buy the right one for your gun)
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